
No.258 - "ニーベルングの指環" 入門(2)指環・槍 [EX.39-79] [音楽]

Last update : 2021.2.08

これは、デリック・クックの「"ニーベルングの指環" 入門」(Deryck Cooke "An Introduction to Der Ring Des Nibelungen"。No.257 参照)の対訳です。

第2回は EX.37EX.79 の 43種のライトモティーフの解説です。ここでは『ニーベルングの指環』において "権力" や "力" のシンボルとなる2つの基本モティーフ、《指環》と《槍》、およびそこから派生するモティーフのファミリーを扱います。



The cause of the deterioration of the Gold from a life giving inspiration to an agent of misery and death is, of course, the Ring of absolute power which Alberich makes from the Gold and puts the such evil use. Alberich's Ring is a central symbol of the drama, one of the two central symbols of power.

And so it has its own basic motive which enters Scene 1 of Rheingold and later generates the whole family of motives. The first embryonic form of the Ring motive is the undulating vocal line of the Rhinemaiden Wellgunde in the major key when she tells Alberich that anyone who can make a Ring from the Gold will be able to dominate the world.

黄金が命を生む創造的存在から苦痛と死の使者へと堕落した原因は、もちろん絶対的な力を持つ "指環" にあります。それはアルベリヒが黄金から作って悪用したものでした。アルベリヒの指環はこのドラマの中心的シンボルであり、それは2つある "力" のシンボルの一つです。


 EX.39: 《指環》 萌芽形 


When Alberich reflects on Wellgunde's words, the orchestra repeats her vocal line. And then he sings the tauter version of it in the minor key as he soliloquize on the possibility of absolute power.


 EX.40: 《指環》 中間形 


This is almost the definitive form of the sinister Ring motive. And it soon emerges clearly on clarinets and horns near the end of the orchestral interlude leading to the next Scene.


 EX.41: 《指環》 確定形 


The Ring motive is a melodic form of a chord, just as the original Nature motive is. But whereas the notes of the Nature motive make up a major chord, those of a the Ring motive make up a complex chromatic dissonance in the minor key composed of superimposed thirds. We can hear this sinister harmonic basis of the Ring motive by means of a special illustration, the motive played by woodwind with all its notes sustained and kept sounding as a chord.


 EX.42: 《指環》 基本和声 


This special illustration helps us to follow the evolution of two important motives belonging to the Ring's family. First, the motive of Scheming which is mainly associated with the efforts of the Niebelungs to get possession of the Ring. This is a kind of groping outline of the Ring's harmony. This can be heard from another special illustration. Here's the Ring motive played by the cellos' pizzicato with two bassoons holding the upper third and then fall into the lower third.


 EX.43: 《指環》 骨格 


The bassoons' outline of the Ring motive's harmony in that special illustration is the motive of Scheming as it appears definitively at the beginning of Siegfried in association with the plotting of Mime.

この例示のファゴットで示された《指環》の和声の骨格は《思案》のモティーフの確定形になります。それは『ジークフリート』の冒頭でミーメのたくらみに関連づけられます(訳注:第1幕 第1場)。

 EX.44: 《思案》 



The other transformation of the Ring motive's sinister homony is the motive of Resentment which is introduced in Scene 4 of Rheingold to accompany Alberich's first bitter remarks when he is set free after having been robbed of the Ring by Wotan. One further special instruction will make this clear. Here's the Ring motive played by the clarinets with the central 3 notes of its harmonic basis left sounding the end of the chord.


 EX.45: 《指環》 減3和音 


This diminished triad which lies at the heart of the Ring motive's sinister harmonic basis, is the starting point of the syncopated motive of Resentment.


 EX.46: 《怨念》 


There's one further important effect of the harmonic basis of the Ring motives which should be mentioned, this is a case not of generating a new motive but of generating a new form of an already existing one. The already existing one is that of the Power of the Ring associated with Alberich in Rheingold and later. We hear it again as a reminder.


 《指環の力》: EX.34 


When this motive attaches itself to Hagen in Gotterdammerung, it takes on a slightly different harmonic form. It now begins with a pungent dissonance.


訳注:  EX.47 は『神々の黄昏』第1幕 第2場の最終場面、ハーゲンの歌唱のところ。

 EX.47: 《指環の力》 ハーゲン形 


The dissonance which begins this form of the motive is quite simply the full harmonic basis of the Ring motive which our first special illustration will recall to us.


 《指環》 基本和声: EX.42 


As can be heared, this is the exact dissonance which begins the motive of the Power of the Ring in the form associated with Hagen.


 《指環の力》 ハーゲン形: EX.47 


The dissonance which begins this form of the motive permeates Gotterdammerung and generates a new motive in Act 2. It acts as starting point of savage theme known as the motive of Murder which is heared in the orchestra when Alberich incites Hagen to kill Siegfried and get back the Ring.

このモティーフの出だしの不協和音は『神々の黄昏』の各所で出現し、第2幕で新しいモティーフを生み出します(訳注:第2幕 第1場)。それは《殺害》として知られている残忍な旋律の開始部分で、オーケストラに聴き取れます。アルベリヒがハーゲンに、ジークフリートを殺して指環を取り戻せと促す場面です。

 EX.48: 《殺害》 


So this dissonance permeates Gotterdammerung, creating an atmosphere of progressive dissolution. Wagner made the sinister harmony of the Ring motive eat its way more and more into the fabric of the score to reflect the fact that the sinister symbol of the Ring itself eats its way more and more into the fabric of the drama.



Several other motives representing various aspects of the symbol of the Ring are generated by the melody of the Ring motive. Three of these stem from its first segment of four descending notes. The most important is the motive associated with the Curse which Alberich puts on the Ring in Scene 4 of Rheingold after having been robbed of it by Wotan. Here are the first four descending notes of the Ring motive.

シンボルとしての指環のさまざまな側面を表現するモティーフのいくつかは、《指環》のモティーフの旋律から作り出されます。このうちの3つは《指環》の最初のセグメントである下降する4つの音から生じます。最も重要なのは『ラインの黄金』の第4場で、指環をヴォータンに奪われたあとにアルベリヒが指環にかける "呪い" に関連したモティーフです。次が《指環》のモティーフの最初の4つの下降音です。

 EX.49: 《指環》 最初の4音符 


These four notes are turned upside down to form the menacing motive of the Curse. This is introduced vocally by Alberich but its definitive form is established by the trombones a little later in Scene 4 of Rheingold, immediately after the first effect of the Curse, the murder of Fasolt by Fafner.

この4つの音は上昇下降を逆転させ、威嚇するような《呪い》のモティーフを形づくります。これはアルベリヒの歌唱で導入されますが、少し後の『ラインの黄金』の第4場でトロンボーンがこのモティーフの確定形を提示します。ファゾルトがファフナーに殺されるという、"呪い" の最初の発現の直後です。

 EX.50: 《呪い》 


The other two motives generated from the first four notes of the Ring motive are those of Hunding's Rights in Walkure and the Vow of Atonement in Gotterdammerung. Hunding, if he is ignorant of the existence of the actual Ring, is nevertheless a wielder of the kind of ruthless power it symbolizes.

And as for the Vow of Atonement which forms part of the oath of blood brotherhood sworn by Siegfried and Gunther, the significance of the Ring shaped motive here is one of tragic irony. Through the vow, Siegfried puts himself entirely in the power of Hagen who uses it as a pretext for murdering him to get possession of the Ring.

Both these motives are direct transformations of the first four notes of the Ring motive which we'll hear again now.


また《贖罪の誓い》はジークフリートとグンターの "兄弟の血の誓い" の構成要素です。ここで重要なのは《指環》から作られるモティーフが "皮肉な悲劇" を示すことです。つまり "誓い" によってジークフリートは、指環を手に入れるために彼を殺そうとしているハーゲンの術中にはまってしまいます。ハーゲンは "誓い" を口実にするのです。


 《指環》 最初の4音符: EX.49 


Now here is the stern motive of the Hunding's Rights which is introduced vocally by Hunding himself to the words "Sacred is my hearth, sacred to you be my home".

さて次が厳粛な《フンディングの正義》のモティーフです。これはフンディング自身の歌唱で導入され、歌詞は「私の炉は神聖だ。私の家は君にとっても神聖だ」です(訳注:『ワルキューレ』第1幕 第2場)。

 EX.51: 《フンディングの正義》 


And here's the tragic motive of the Vow of Atonement as introduced by Gunther and Siegfried in Act 1 of Gotterdammerung.


 EX.52: 《贖罪の誓い》 



Two further motives are evolved from the other segments of the Ring motive, its last three rising notes. Both enter in Scene 3 of Rheingold. The first is that of the Hoard of treasure which apears when Alberich tells Wotan about the Hoard and how he will use it to make himself master of the world.

The second is that of the Dragon which enters when Alberich transformed himself into a huge serpent ostensibly to demonstrate the powers of the Tarnhelm but really to warn Wotan and Loge of his power to guard the Ring in the Hoard.

Both motives are built out of repetitions of the rising third which ends the Ring motive, a note higher each time. And both are given into the tubas to suggest some monstrous evil rising from the depths to engulf the world. Here's the Ring motive again as a reminder.


第2は《大蛇》のモティーフで、アルベリヒ自身が大きな蛇に変身するところで現れます。その変身は、表向きは "隠れ兜" の威力を誇示するためですが、本当は財宝の中の指環を守る力が自分にあることをヴォータンとローゲに警告しているのです。

2つのモティーフとも《指環》のモティーフの最後の上昇する3度を繰り返すことで作られていて、繰り返すたびに音は高くなります。また2つともチューバに割り当てられており、怪物級の "悪" が深淵から立ち上がって世界を巻き込むかのようです。リマインドのために《指環》のモティーフを再度聴きましょう。

 《指環》: EX.41 


The last three notes of the Ring motive, repeated over and over by the tubas, generate the motive of the Hoard. Here it is as it occurs definitively in the Prelude to Siegfried with the Servitude motive repeated above it.


訳注:  Hoard of treasure という説明があるように、モティーフ名の hoard は "秘蔵物" の意味である。ここでは財宝と等価なので《財宝》とした。普通このモティーフは《財宝》と呼ばれている。

 EX.53: 《財宝》 


The motive of the Dragon is a rather freer development of the last three notes of the Ring motive, but again it consists of repetitions by the tubas of a phrase revolving round a third, each repetition a note higher than the one before.


 EX.54: 《大蛇》 


This Dragon motive later takes on a slightly different form on solo tuba to represent Fafner in Act 2 of Siegfried, when he has turned himself into a Dragon to guard the Ring and the Hoard.


訳注:  EX.55 は『ジークフリート』第2幕のオーケストラ前奏曲の冒頭。

 EX.55: 《大蛇としてのファフナー》 


This is the last of the dark family of motive generated by the basic power motive of the Ring.

But there's one separate bright transformation of the Ring motive, the first and simplest of all. This emerges soon after the motive has found its definitive form in the orchestral interlude leading from Scene 1 of Rheingold to Scene 2. Eventually, the newly established Ring motive begins to take on a less inimical form. Its sinister harmonic basis becomes much more genial on the horns.

これが "力" を表す基本モティーフ《指環》から作られる暗いモティーフのファミリーの最後です。


 EX.56: 《指環》 ヴァルハラへ変化 


Immediately after this, at the very beginning of Scene 2, the Ring motive changes its harmonic basis a little further to simple major harmonies, and in so doing, it transforms itself into the majestic brass motive to be associated with Wotan's catsle, Valhalla.


 EX.57: 《ヴァルハラ》 第1セグメント 


The melodic similarity between the Valhalla motive and the Ring motive establishes the near identity of the ultimate aims of Alberich and Wotan, absolute power in each case. And the harmonic contrast between them expresses much noble character of a Wotan conception of absolute power, compared with the Alberich's.

But the phrase we've just heard is only the first segment of the Valhalla motive, though the most important one. There are other segments which are also to recur on their own. Two of these soon follow the first one, a repeated falling phrase and a series of alternating chords.

《ヴァルハラ》と《指環》のメロディーの類似性は、アルベリヒとヴォータンの究極の目的がほとんど同じであることを明確にしています。両方とも絶対的な "力" です。そして2つのモティーフの和声の対比は、ヴォータンにおける絶対的な力の概念がアルベリヒに比べて格段に高貴であることを表現しています。


 EX.58: 《ヴァルハラ》 第2・第3セグメント 


The final segment of the Valhalla motive, which is a kind of summing up of its noble character, doesn't enter until the end of the Wotan's actual apostrophe to Valhalla itself. It appears on the trumpet at the words "Noble Splendid Fortress".


 EX.59: 《ヴァルハラ》 最終セグメント 


We can hear this final segment of the Valhalla motive more clearly by having the passage played by the orchestra alone.


 EX.60: 《ヴァルハラ》 最終セグメント 


This final segment of the Valhalla motive also occurs frequently on its own. It has a habit of attaching itself to the ends of other motive as a cadence. For example, when Wotan conceives the idea of the Sword in Scene 4 of Rheingold, it rounds off the trumpet's Sword motive with the effect of setting a seal of majesty on the new conception.

この《ヴァルハラ》のモティーフの最終セグメントは、それ自体でしばしば現れます。そして、他のモティーフの終わりに付加されて終止形を作る性質があります。たとえば『ラインの黄金』の第4場においてヴォータンが "剣" のアイデアを抱くとき、このモティーフはトランペットの《剣》のモティーフを整え、その新しい考えに威厳を与える効果を発揮します。

 EX.61: 《剣》 と《ヴァルハラ》の最終セグメント 


Although the complete Valhalla motive and its various segments recur throughout the whole work, the motive does not generate a family of motives. This is because Wotan's catsle is only a static symbol of his power, not a dynamic symbol of the agency of his power, akin to Alberich's Ring.

The agency of Wotan's power is his Spear. This is the other central power symbol of the drama and it has its own basic motive which does generate a whole family of motives.

こういった《ヴァルハラ》のモティーフ全体とそのさまざまなセグメントは『指環』を通して再現しますが、モティーフのファミリーを作ることはありません。その理由は、ヴォータンの城がアルベリヒの "指環" のような "力の動的なシンボル" ではなく、"力の静的なシンボル" に過ぎないからです。

ヴォータンの力を代表するのは彼の "槍" です。これはドラマのもう一つの力の中心的なシンボルであり、基本モティーフを持ち、そこからモティーフのファミリーが生み出されます。


The basic motive associated with the Spear has always been labelled the Treaty or Bargain motive, because Wotan's power resides in the treaties sworn on the Spear and engraved on it. But these treaties which are actually the laws whereby Wotan governs the world, are really maintained by his will. And this is what the power of the Spear represents. Wotan's Spear is the symbol of his will towards controlled, lawful world domination, just as Alberich's Ring is the symbol of his will towards uncontrolled, unlawful world domination.

And so the basic power motive associated with the Spear should take the name of the symbol itself, just as the basic power motive associated with the Ring is called the Ring motive. The Spear motive which is a stern descending minor scale, first appears in Scene 2 of Rheingold. It enters quietly on the bass when Fricka reminds Wotan that he will have to fulfil his contract with the Giants and give them the promised payment for building Valhalla, the Goddess Freia.

"槍" に関連づけられた基本モティーフは、従来から《契約》とか《取引》のモティーフと呼ばれてきました。というのもヴォータンの力の源泉は、ヴォータンが "槍" に誓い、"槍" に刻み込んだ契約にあるからです。この契約はヴォータンが世界を支配するための "おきて" ですが、実際はヴォータンの意志によって支えられています。"槍" の力が表現しているのは、その意志です。ヴォータンの "槍" は秩序のある統制された世界に君臨する意志の象徴です。それはアルベリヒの "指環" が無秩序で統制のない世界に君臨する意志を象徴しているのと同様です。

従って "槍" に関連づけられた力の基本モティーフにはシンボルの名前そのものを採用すべきです。ちょうど "指環" に関連づけられた力の基本モティーフが《指環》のモティーフと呼ばれるようにです。《槍》のモティーフは厳粛に下降する短調の音階で、最初に『ラインの黄金』の第2場で現れます。フリッカはヴォータンに、巨人たちと交わした契約を履行してヴァルハラを建てる報酬の約束、つまり女神・フライアを差し出すべきことを思い起こさせますが、そのときモティーフが低音部に静かに入ってきます。

 EX.62: 《槍》 第1形 


Later in the same Scene when Donner lifts his hammer to crush the Giants, Wotan stretches out his Spear and imposes the law by the main force of his will. And here the definitive form of the Spear motive beginning on a strong beat enters powerfully on the trombones.

そのあと同じ第2場でドンナーが巨人たちを粉砕しようとハンマーを振り上げるとき、ヴォータンは槍を振るって意志の力で "掟" を強制します。ここが《槍》のモティーフの確定形で、強いビートで始まり、トロンボーンで力強く演奏されます。

 EX.63: 《槍》 確定形 


Before considering the family of motives generated by this main Spear motive, we should notice that it has another segment, concerned specifically with the irrevocable character of the treaties sworn on the Spear. This is introduced vocally by Fasolt when he warns Wotan that he must keep faith.

この《槍》から作られるモティーフのファミリーを考察する前に、このモティーフが別のセグメントを持っていることに注意すべきでしょう。それは "槍" にかけて誓われた契約は取り消しできない性質であることに関連します。これはファゾルトの歌唱で導入されます。彼がヴォータンに信義を守れと警告する場面です(訳注:第2場。EX63 の前)。

 EX.64: 《取り消しできない掟》 


The first new motive generated by the descending scale of the main Spear motive, is a subsidiary one which represents Wotan's actual contract with the Giants. This is the real Treaty motive. Fasolt introduces it vocally, echoed by the cellos and basses, when he warns Wotan to fulfil the contract.

《槍》の下降音階から最初に作り出される新たなモティーフは、ヴォータンが巨人たちと交わした契約を表す副次的なモティーフです。これが本当の《契約》のモティーフです。ファゾルトがヴォータンに契約を履行するように警告するときに歌唱で導入され、チェロとコントラバスがそれに続きます(訳注:第2場。EX64 の直後)。

 EX.65: 《契約》 


A more important transformation of the Spear motive follows immediately. This is the embryonic form of the majestic motive of the Power of the Gods which should perhaps be called the power of Wotan. When Fasolt goes on to warn Wotan that his whole power resides in the laws engraved on the Spear, the Spear motive enters in the bass, bellow a series of pulsating chords. This is the embryonic form of the motive of the Power of the Gods.


 EX.66: 《神々の力》 萌芽形 


An intermediate form of this motive enters on the orchestra in Act 1 of Siegfried when Wotan tells Mime how he rules the world with the Spear which he cut from the World Ash Tree. This time, underneath the pulsating chords, the descending scale of the Spear motive alternates with its inversion, a rising scale.


 EX.67: 《神々の力》 中間形 


In Gotterdammerung, the rising scale detaches itself from the descending one to become the definitive form of the motive of the Power of the Gods. This enters during the Norns' scene in the Prelude, but it rises to its full strength in the Final Scene of the work, when Brunnhilde orders the funeral pyre to be built for Siegfried which will finally bring the Power of the Gods to an end.


 EX.68: 《神々の力》 確定形 



Along another more complex line of transformation, the Spear motive continually generates new motives throughout Walkure. These are derived from the opening 6 notes segment of the Spear motive. They are those of the Storm and of Siegmund, Wotan's son, unwitting agent, who at the beginning of Walkure is running through the storm for his life.

In each of these motives, the descending scale motion of the complete Spear motive is checked and opposed. After the first descending 6 notes segment, a rising motion contradicts it. Indeed, throughout Walkure, the repressive authority of Wotan's will is to be continually challenged by the other characters and eventually neutralized. Here, first of all, is another special illustration presenting the first descending 6 notes segment of the Spear motive.



 EX.69: 《槍》 第1セグメント 


Now here's the Storm motive. It consists of the first descending 6 notes segment of the Spear motive, played swiftly in alternation with its inversion, the same notes rising upwards.


 EX.70: 《嵐》 


Out of the Storm motive emerges very similar motive of Siegmund who is to rebel against Wotan's authority. This also enters in the bass, and again, the first descending segment of Spear motive is checked and contradicted by a rising motion.


訳注:  EX.71は『ワルキューレ』前奏曲の終わりのあたりで、《嵐》が《ジークムント》のモティーフに変化するところ。

 EX.71: 《ジークムント》 


A little later in Act 1 of Walkure, Siegmund's falling and rising motive is joined by the rising and falling one of Sieglinde. As the mood grows more tender, the upward motion, contradicting the Spear motive's descent, grows stronger.


訳注:  EX.72は『ワルキューレ』第1幕の冒頭、ジークリンデの最初の歌唱。

 EX.72: 《ジークムントとジークリンデ》 



In Act 2 of Walkure, Wotan's authority is effectively thwarted by Fricka who argues him into abandoning Siegmund and the plan of which Siegmund is the unwitting agent. The gloomy motive associated with Wotan here is generally known as Discouragement. But it might be called the "frustration of Wotan's will", since it's a twisted form of the first descending 6 note segment of the Spear motive. Here's the segment again as a reminder.

『ワルキューレ』の第2幕においてヴォータンはフリッカに論駁され、その権威は失墜します。その結果ジークムントを見捨てることになり、ジークムントを無意識の使者にする計画もなくなります(訳注:第2幕 第1場)。このシーンでのヴォータンに関連づけられた陰気なモティーフは、一般的には《不機嫌》として知られています。しかしそれは "ヴォータンの意図の挫折" と呼べるでしょう。なぜなら、このモティーフは《槍》のモティーフの最初の6つの下降音のねじれた形だからです。リマインドのため《槍》の最初のセグメントを聴いてみましょう。

 《槍》 第1セグメント: EX.69 


This segment, freely transformed, generates the motive of Wotan's Frustration. The motive begins with a little turn twisting moodily around the first note. And not only is the descending motion opposed by a rising one, but it's also hindered by being turned around on itself.


訳注:  frustration は「苛立ち」とも訳せるが、一つ前の説明でデリック・クックは "frustration of Wotan's will" と言っているので「挫折」が適当。またモティーフの名称としては "心理的側面を重視する" という観点から「挫折感」とした。

 EX.73: 《ヴォータンの挫折感》 


Incidentally this motive, like several others, takes on a new form in Gotterdammerung. The tragic happenings in that work are felt to be at least partly the result of Wotan's change of mind after his humiliation by Siegfried. His sense of frustration which disappears in the opera Siegfried returns in Gotterdammerung, and grows more acute as we learn from Waltraute. And this is expressed by a new leaping and falling form of the motive of his Frustration. We hear it in the orchestra after the Waltraute has told Brunhilde of Wotan's indifference to everything except the idea of restoring the Gold to Rhinemaidens.


訳注:  EX.74 は『神々の黄昏』第1幕 第3場のヴァルトラウテの歌唱のところ。

 EX.74: 《ヴォータンの挫折感》 第2形 


This motive recurs many times in Gotterdammerung, especially in conjunction with Hagen's plotting to destroy Siegfried, since this act will set in motion the series of events that is to lead to the restoration of the Gold to the Rhinemaidens.


訳注:  EX.75 は『神々の黄昏』第2幕 第5場のハーゲンの歌唱のところで、ハーゲンがジークフリートの殺害に言及してグンターが驚く場面。

 EX.75: 《ヴォータンの挫折感》 ハーゲン形 



Returning now to Act 2 of Walkure, after Fricka's exit, Wotan rages against her thwarting of his will, and here, the motive of his Frustration is inverted moving upwards instead of downwards. Moreover, it moves straight upwards without convolutions. And in doing so, it generates the furious motive of Wotan's Revolt which is thus a free inversion of the whole original Spear motive. It always merges into the motive of Curse as here on its first appearance.

『ワルキューレ』の第2幕に戻りましょう。フリッカが退場したあと、ヴォータンは彼女に意図を砕かれたことに怒り狂います。ここで《挫折感》のモティーフは下降から上昇へと反転します。しかも回音はなしでストレートに上昇し、その結果《ヴォータンの反抗》という怒りのモティーフを生み出します(訳注:第2幕 第2場)。これは元々の《槍》のモティーフを自由に反転させたものです。このモティーフは常に《呪い》のモティーフと融合しますが、その最初の現れがここです。

 EX.76: 《ヴォータンの反抗》 


In Act 3 of Walkure, the twisted motive of Wotan's Frustration evolves gradually into the motive associated with Brunnhilde's rebellion against him, the motive of the Reproach she addresses to him. At the beginning of this scene, we hear the transformation take place. The motive of Wotan's Frustration on the bass strings is answered by a free transformation of it on the bass clarinet in which the descending motion of the original Spear motive is now opposed by a wide leap to the upper octave.

『ワルキューレ』の第3幕において《ヴォータンの挫折感》の "捻れた" モティーフは、次第にブリュンヒルデのヴォータンに対する反抗に関連するモティーフへと進化します。それはブリュンヒルデのヴォータンに対する《非難》のモティーフです。このシーンの出だしのところで変形が起こっていることが聴き取れます。低音弦の《ヴォータンの挫折感》のモティーフは、自由に変形されてバス・クラリネットにも現れ、そこでは元々の《槍》の下降する動きが1オクターブ上への大きな跳躍と対比されます。

訳注:  《ブリュンヒルデの非難》は、《ブリュンヒルデの哀願》とか《訴え》とも呼ばれるが、デリック・クックが使っている reproach という言葉に「哀願」や「訴え」のニュアンスはない。EX.77, EX.78, EX.79 は第3幕 第3場。

 EX.77: 《ヴォータンの挫折感》 / 《ブリュンヒルデの非難》 


This bass clarinet phrase is taken up by Brunnhilde as she reroaches Wotan for condemning her disobedience, her attempt to carry out his original plan which she knew he had countermanded in spite of his deepest wishes. Her Reproach motive presents the full descending scale of the Spear motive continually opposed by leaps to the upper octave.


 EX.78: 《ブリュンヒルデの非難》 


Later on, in this Act, this motive of Brunnhilde's Reproach turns to the major to become a new motive representing the positive symbol she is opposing to the authority of Wotan's Spear, Compassionate Love. The motive enters on the orchestra as Brunnhilde tells Wotan what has made her defy his orders was the feeling of love which he himself had breathed into her and which had been awakened by her realization of Siegmund's love for Sieglinde.

この幕の後の方で《ブリュンヒルデの非難》のモティーフは長調に転換し、新たなモティーフになります。それはヴォータンの "槍" の権威に対抗する彼女のポジティブなシンボルとなる《哀れみの愛》です。このモティーフがオーケストラに入ってくるときブリュンヒルデはヴォータンに、命令に逆らったのは愛の感情だったと語ります。その愛の感情はヴォータン自身がブリュンヒルデに吹き込んだものであり、ジークムントのジークリンデに対する愛を彼女が認識したことで呼び覚まされたのでした。

 EX.79: 《ブリュンヒルデの哀れみの愛》 


So the repressive descending minor scale of the Spear motive is finally transformed into the expansive soaring motive associated with Brunnhilde's Compassionate Love. And this is the last of the family of motive generated by the basic motives of the Spear.



RG ラインの黄金(Rheingold)
WK ワルキューレ(Walkure)
SF ジークフリート(Siegfried)
GD 神々の黄昏(Gotterdammerung)
A 幕(Act)
S 場(Scene)
V 序幕(Vorspiel)
P 前奏曲(Prelude)


EX.39   RG S1 指環》萌芽形
EX.40   RG S1 指環》中間形
EX.41   RG S1 指環》確定形
EX.42   RG S1 指環》基本和声
EX.43   RG S1 指環》骨格
EX.44   SF A1S1 思案》
EX.45   RG S1 指環》減3和音
EX.46   RG S4 怨念》
EX.47   GD A1S2 指環の力》ハーゲン形
EX.48   GD A2S1 殺害》
EX.49   RG S1 指環》最初の4音符
EX.50   RG S4 呪い》
EX.51   WK A1S2 フンディングの正義》
EX.52   GD A1S2 贖罪の誓い》
EX.53   RG S3 財宝》
EX.54   RG S3 大蛇》
EX.55   SF A2P 大蛇としてのファフナー》
EX.56   RG S1 指環》ヴァルハラへ変化
EX.57   RG S2 ヴァルハラ》第1セグメント
EX.58   RG S2 ヴァルハラ》第2・第3セグメント
EX.59   RG S2 ヴァルハラ》最終セグメント
EX.60   RG S2 ヴァルハラ》最終セグメント
EX.61   RG S4 剣》と《ヴァルハラ》の最終セグメント


EX.62   RG S2 槍》第1形
EX.63   RG S2 槍》確定形
EX.64   RG S2 取り消しできない掟》
EX.65   RG S2 契約》
EX.66   RG S2 神々の力》萌芽形
EX.67   SF A1S2 神々の力》中間形
EX.68   GD A3S3 神々の力》確定形
EX.69   RG S2 槍》第1セグメント
EX.70   WK A1P 嵐》
EX.71   WK A1P ジークムント》
EX.72   WK A1S1 ジークムントとジークリンデ》
EX.73   WK A2S1 ヴォータンの挫折感》
EX.74   GD A1S3 ヴォータンの挫折感》第2形
EX.75   GD A2S5 ヴォータンの挫折感》ハーゲン形
EX.76   WK A2S2 ヴォータンの反抗》
EX.77   WK A3S3 ヴォータンの挫折感》/《ブリュンヒルデの非難》
EX.78   WK A3S3 ブリュンヒルデの非難》
EX.79   WK A3S3 ブリュンヒルデの哀れみの愛》

