
No.259 - "ニーベルングの指環" 入門(3)愛 [EX.80-114] [音楽]

Last update:2021.2.08

これは、デリック・クックの「"ニーベルングの指環" 入門」(Deryck Cooke "An Introduction to Der Ring Des Nibelungen"。No.257 参照)の対訳です。

第3回は EX.80 ~ EX.114 の 35種のライトモティーフです。第2回の権力のモティーフ("指環" や "槍")とは正反対の関係にある "愛" に関連したモティーフ全般を扱います。

(新リマスター版CD 1997。録音 1965)


Love is another of the central symbols of the drama, standing in direct opposition to the two central symbols of power, the Ring and the Spear. In the first place, it stands naturally in opposition to the Ring because the crucial condition attached to the making of the Ring is the Renunciation of Love. And this condition has its own motive, a tragic one in the minor key. It enters in Scene 1 of Rheingold. It's sung by the Rhinemaiden, Woglinde, when she tells Alberich that only the man who is prepared to renounce love can make the Ring from the Gold.

"愛" はドラマのもう一つの中心的なシンボルであり、それは "力" の中心的シンボルの2つ、"指環" と "槍" のちょうど正反対の位置にあります。そもそも "愛" が "指環" の対極にあるのは当然でしょう。なぜなら、指環を作る際の絶対の条件が《愛の断念》だからです。この条件は、それ自身を表す悲劇的な短調のモティーフを持っています。これは『ラインの黄金』の第1場で導入され、ラインの乙女のヴォークリンデによって歌われます。彼女がアルベリヒに、愛を断念する用意がある者だけが黄金から指環を作れる、と告げる場面です。

 EX.80: 《愛の断念》 


This motive of the Renunciation of Love recurs at various points in the drama, most surprisingly perhaps, in Act 1 of Walkure. Siegmund sings it as he draws the Sword from the Tree, the decisive action which proclaims his identity as the brother of Sieglinde and her true lover.

《愛の断念》のモティーフはドラマの数々の時点で再現します。驚くことに『ワルキューレ』の第1幕でもジークムントが剣を樹から抜く時に歌います。彼はこの決断の行動で、ジークリンデの兄であると同時に真の恋人である自覚を宣言するのです(訳注:第1幕 第3場の最終場面)。

 EX.81: 《愛の断念》 ジークムント形 


Siegmund's words refer to the need for which he has drawn the Sword, the deepest need of holiest love. From the total symbolic point to view, the whole drama, The Ring has begun in the world without love, and this is symbolized by the Renunciation motive. The claims of love only begin to assert themselves in Act 1 of Walkure, and they're only established in Act 3 in the Compassionate Love of Brunnhilde represented by the motive we heard a little earlier.

Wotan himself, in his own way, has renounced love as decisively as Alberich by offering Freia, the Goddess of Love, as a wage to the Giants for building Valhalla. And so the Renunciation motive is also associated with him, though in a different form. This stems from the second of the two phrases in the original motive. And the agent of transformation is Fricka in Scene 2 of Rheingold, when she tells Wotan that his bartering away of Freia shows his contempt for love. Here's the second phrase of the Renunciation motive as sung originally by Woglinde.

ジークムントは剣を抜く理由になった崇高な愛への深い欲求を語ります。象徴性の視点からドラマ全体を見ると『指環』は "愛なき世界" で始まり、《断念》のモティーフがそれを象徴します。愛への要求は『ワルキューレ』の第1幕でようやく主張され、第3幕の《ブリュンヒルデの哀れみの愛》で確立されます。そのモティーフは少し前に聴きました(訳注:EX.79)。


 EX.82: 《愛の断念》 第2セグメント 


When Fricka accuses Wotan of despising love, the orchestra plays the first phrase of the Renunciation motive, but her utterance ends by hinting harmonically at this second one.


 EX.83: 《愛の断念》 第2形への移行 



Later in the same Scene, Loge acts as a final agent of transformation when he says that, in all the world, he's been unable to find anything valuable enough to serve as a substitute wage for the Giants instead of the Goddess of Love, Freia. Here, he adapts the phrase of Fricka, which we've just heard, into the second form of the Renunciation motive which is to be associated with Wotan, and later with other characters.


 EX.84: 《愛の断念》 第2形 


This second form of the Renunciation motive often recurs as a mournful cadence expressing futility. One of the many examples is to be found in Act 2 of Walkure when Wotan, having realized his own lovelessness, describes himself as the unhappiest of men. Here's the whole passage, leading up to the use of the Renunciation motive as a cadence.

この《断念》のモティーフの第2形は、しばしば無益な行為を表現する "嘆きの終止形" として再現します。その多数の例の中の一つは、『ワルキューレ』の第2幕でヴォータンが愛の欠如を自覚し、最も不幸な男だと自身を表現するときに認められます。ここで《断念》のモティーフを終止形として使うに至る全体のパッセージを聴いてみましょう(第2幕 第2場。EX.76 の直後)。

 EX.85: 《愛の断念》 ヴォータンによる第2形 


But the Renunciation motive in both its forms only represents love in a negative light, it stands for the general lovelessness prevailing in the power ridden world of the drama.

The basic love motive, positive, dynamic motive of love in action, in opposition to absolute power, is the one associated with the central symbol of love in the drama, the Goddess of Love herself, Freia. Her motive first enters on the orchestra in Scene 2 of Rheingold when she runs on persued by the Giants. Fricka describes her approach and Freia enters her motive introduced by the violins.

しかし《断念》のモティーフの2つの形とも "愛" の否定的側面だけを表しており、"力" が支配する世界に蔓延する愛の欠如を表現しています。

その絶対的な "力" に対抗し、肯定的で、実際の愛のように動的な基本モティーフがあります。それは、このドラマの中心的な愛のシンボル、愛の女神・フライア自身に関連づけられたモティーフです。フライアのモティーフは最初に『ラインの黄金』の第2場でオーケストラに現れます。そのとき彼女は巨人たちの追跡から逃れてきます。フリッカが彼女の接近を告げ、フライアが登場するときに、彼女のモティーフがヴァイオリンに導入されます。

 EX.86: 《フライア》 


We can hear Freia's swift motive more clearly from another special illustration, the violin part played on its own, a little more slowly.


 EX.87: 《フライア》 ヴァイオリン・パート 



Freia's motive has two independent segments and we may begin by considering the first, the rising one.


 EX.88: 《フライア》 第1セグメント 


This first segment of Freia's motive is swift here and in the minor to portray Freia's agitation as she flees from the Giants. But it soon establishes its definitive slow major form. This stands out clearly for the first time when it introduces Loge's 'Hymn to Love', a little further along in the same Scene.

この《フライア》のモティーフの第1セグメントは速いテンポの短調で、巨人たちから逃走するフライアの切迫感を描いています。しかしまもなく、ゆっくりとした長調の確定形になります。これは同じ場の少し後でローゲが "愛の賛歌" を歌うとき、初めてはっきりと目立つ形で現れます(訳注:第2場の EX.84 の直後)。

 EX.89: 《フライア》 第1セグメント - 確定形 


This definitive sinuous form of the first segment of Freia's motive recurs on its own throughout The Ring in association with the sensuous aspect of love between man and woman. For example, in Act 1 of Walkure, after Siegmund's first fully impassioned utterance to Sieglinde, it ascends sweetly on the violins.

このしなやかな《フライア》の第1セグメントの確定形は『指環』全体で再現します。それは男女の愛の官能的な側面に関連づけられます。例えば『ワルキューレ』の第1幕でジークムントがジークリンデに最初の情熱的な言葉を口にするとき、このモティーフがヴァイオリンで甘美に上昇します(訳注:第1幕 第3場)。

 EX.90: 《フライア》 第1セグメント - ジークムントとジークリンデ 


No new motives are generated from this first segment of Freia's motive. It remains itself throughout The Ring. The whole family of motives representing the various aspect of love is generated by the second segment of her motive which we'll recall now.


 EX.91: 《フライア》 第2セグメント 


This second segment of Freia's motive was identified wrongly by the very first commentator on The Ring, Hans von Wolzogen. He labeled it Flight. And every commentator since has followed him unthinkingly.

The whole motive enters in conjunction with Freia, and as with many other motives, its segments apply equally to the symbol it's attached to. It was not Wagner's practice to detach segments of his motives from the symbols that are initially associated with, and give them quite different meanings.




The label Flight might at times seem to be justified, since the segment does recur in something like its original form when various characters are in flight. For example, it portrays Siegmund and Sieglinde fleeing from Hunding in the Prelude to Act 2 of Walkure.


 EX.92: 《逃亡》 


However, the characters in flight here, Siegmund and Sieglinde, are symbols of love, as Freia herself is, even when fleeing from the Giants. And if we examine the second segment of Freia's motive, we find that it functions exactly like the first segment as a love motive. In conjunction with the first segment, it soon establishes a definitive slow major form. Here's the original Freia's motive, again, complete.


 《フライア》 ヴァイオリン・パート: EX.87 



When Fasolt, in Scene 2 of Rheingold, explains Wotan that he looks forward to having Freia as a wife in his home, the oboe accompanies his vocal line with the whole of Freia's motive, both first and second segments, in the definitive slow major form.


 EX.93: 《完全なフライア》 確定形 


And the second segment of Freia's motive, in exactly the same way as the first, detaches itself in its definitive slow major form and recurs as a pure love motive in association with Siegmund and Sieglinde in Act 1 of Walkure. Here's the second segment again in its original swift minor form.


 《フライア》 第2セグメント: EX.91 


When Siegmund drinks the mead which Sieglinde has brought him and they stare into one another's eyes and fall in love, this second segment of Freia's motive enters in its definitive slow major form as their basic love motive.

ジークリンデが用意した蜂蜜酒をジークムントが飲むとき、2人は眼を見つめ合い、恋に落ちます。そのとき、この《フライア》のモティーフの第2セグメントがゆっくりとした長調の確定形で入ってきて、それは2人の愛の基本モティーフになります(訳注:第1幕 第1場)。

 EX.94: 《フライア》 第2セグメント - ジークムントとジークリンデ 


This basic love motive represents the compassionate aspect of love as opposed to its sensuous aspect which is expressed by the first segment of Freia's motive. It recurs in many different forms. Two main ones are slow and in the major, as here, and swift and in the minor, as at first, to represent love being driven out and pursued, hence the mistaken label of Flight.

There are certain passages where the swift minor form of the motive might seem to imply Flight, or at least pursuit, devoid of any associations with love. But these have been misunderstood. An example is the descent of Wotan and Loge to Nibelheim between Scenes 2 and 3 of Rheingold. Here, the second segment of Freia's motive is repeated over and over very swiftly in the minor. And a suggestion is that Wotan and Loge are in flight in some abstruse sense, or at least that they're in swift pursuit of Albrecht and the Ring.


確かにこのモティーフの速い短調の形が、愛と関係がなく《逃亡》を含意するように見える、または少なくとも "追跡" と見えるパッセージもあります。しかしこれも誤解されてきました。その例は『ラインの黄金の』の第2場と第3場の間でヴォータンとローゲがニーベルハイムに下っていくシーンです。ここでは《フライア》のモティーフの第2セグメントが大変テンポの速い短調の形で何度も繰り返されます。ここでの意味は、ヴォータンとローゲが何らかの深い意味での逃亡状態にあることか、あるいは少なくとも2人がアルベリヒと指環を急いで追い求めているとも見えます。

 EX.95: 《逃亡》ニーベルハイムへの下降 


To understand the true significance of this passage, we have to realize that the origin of the second segment of Freia's motive, the basic love motive, goes back beyond Freia herself to Scene 1 of Rheingold. Here, a short embryonic form of it is introduced in association with the thwarting of Alberich passion by the Rhinemaidens. When Alberich is finally rejected by the third Rhinemaiden, Flosshilde, he introduces this embryonic form of the basic love motive rather slowly and in the minor to express his grief over the frustration of his wooing.


 EX.96: 《フライア》 第2セグメント - アルベリヒ 


It's this short embryonic version of the basic love motive which is developed in the descent to Nibelheim. To make this absolutely clear, let's hear Alberich's lament in Scene 1 again, picking up the music a little earlier beginning with his cries of "Woe is me" which lead to his embryonic version of the basic love motive.

ニーベルハイムへの下降のシーンで展開されるのは、この愛の基本モティーフの短い萌芽形です。このことを完全に明確にするために、第1場でのアルベリヒの嘆きを再度聴いてみましょう。少し前のアルベリヒの "ああ情けない" という叫びのところの音楽から取り上げますが、それが愛の基本モティーフの萌芽形へと導きます。

 EX.97: 《アルベリヒの嘆き》 


The descent to Nibelheim takes this passage as its starting point. It restates Alberich's cries of "Woe is me" more quickly and then it develops his short embryonic version of the love motive furiously, in the way made possible by the definitive continuous form of it, now associated with Freia.

ニーベルハイムへの下降は、このパッセージが出発点になっています。まずアルベリヒの "ああ情けない" という叫びが素早く繰り返され、短い愛のモティーフの萌芽形へと激しく展開します。それが、フライアに関連づけられる確定形へと変わっていくことを可能にします。

 EX.98: 《フライア》 第2セグメント - ニーベルハイムへの下降 


It's clear that when this passage begins, just after the music associated with Loge in Scene 2, Wagner employs a flashback technique which he often uses in orchestral interludes. He turns away from Wotan and Loge and their descent to Nibelheim, and picks up Alberich on his descent to Nibelheim from the Rhine after Scene 1. Alberich's thwarted desire a love has turned bitter, and is being transformed into a fierce lust of power,a familiar psychological phenomenon which is the true underlying meaning of the dependence of absolute power on the renunciation of love.



A little later in this interlude, the basic love motive enters in the new and more powerful form on the brass. It's still in the minor, but now it's slow and drawn out like the lament of love itself expelled from this world of naked power.

この間奏曲の中の少しあとで、新しい形の愛の基本モティーフがもっと力強く金管に入ってきます。それはまだ短調ですが、ゆっくりと引き伸ばされていて、むき出しの "力" の世界から追放されてしまった "愛" を嘆くようです。

 EX.99: 《フライア》 第2セグメント - ゆっくりとした短調 


This powerful form of the basic love motive, slow and in the minor, attaches itself to Wotan in Act 2 of Walkure when he realizes his own lovelessness. He sings it at the beginning of the passage we heard earlier, the one illustrating the use of the second form of the Renunciation motive as a cadence expressing futility.


訳注:  EX.100 は第2幕 第2場で、EX.85 《愛の断念・第2形》と同じ箇所。

 EX.100: 《フライア》 第2セグメント - ゆっくりとした短調 


This lamenting form of the basic love motive also attaches itself to Siegmund and Sieglinde in a more lyrical way. In Act 1 of Walkure when Siegmund momentarily feels that his love of Sieglinde is a forlorn hope, the definitive slow major form of the basic love motive which has been associated with their falling in love, now turns sadly to its minor form.

この愛の基本モティーフの "嘆きの形" は、もっと叙情的な形で『ワルキューレ』第1幕のジークムントとジークリンデに結びつきます。ジークリンデへの恋が絶望的なのではとジークムントが一瞬感じるとき、恋に落ちることに関連した愛の基本モティーフのゆっくりとした長調の確定形が、悲しげな短調の形に変わります(訳注:第1幕 第1場。EX.94 と同じ場面)。

 EX.101: 《フライア》 第2セグメント - ゆっくりとした短調 


The definitive slow major form of the basic love motive later transformed itself freely to generate two new motives associated with the love of Siegfried and Brunnhilde in Act 3 of Siegfried. First, it forms the basis of the exultant theme known as the motive of Love's Greeting. They introduce this vocally when they hail the memory of Sieglinde as the mother of Siegfried.

ゆっくりとした長調の愛のモティーフの確定形は(訳注:EX.94)のちに自由な変形を遂げ、『ジークフリート』の第3幕においてジークフリートとブリュンヒルデの愛に結びつく新たな2つのモティーフを生み出します(訳注:第3幕 第3場)。まず《愛の挨拶》のモティーフとして知られる、喜びに溢れた旋律の基本を形づくります。2人がジークフリートの母のジーリンデの思い出を讃えるとき、歌唱でこのモティーフが導入されます。

 EX.102: 《愛の挨拶》 


The relationship between this new motive of Love's Greeting and the basic love motive becomes entirely clear in a later passage when Brunhilde tells Siegfried that she was destined for him before he was born. This new motive enters on the woodwind, but Brunhilde immediately continues it in the shape of the basic love motive.


 EX.103: 《愛の挨拶》 と 《フライア》の第2セグメント 



The other new motive generated by the basic love motive, is the bold one known as Love's Resolution. It strikes in nearly at the end of Siegfried to sum up the supremely confident character of the love of Siegfried and Brunnhilde. This motive is again a free transformation of the of the basic love motive. Its origin is the brilliant orchestral passage at the end of Act 1 of Walkure when Siegmund and Sieglinde fall into one another's arms. The basic love motive enters here in the major but quickly. That is developed to the swift telescoped form to express the joyful passion of the two lovers.


訳注:  EX.104 は『ワルキューレ』第1幕 第3場で EX.81 のジークムントの歌唱のあと、幕が降りる直前のオーケストラ演奏。

 EX.104: 《フライア》 第2セグメント - 速い長調 


It's this swift telescoped form of the basic love motive that broadens out majestically on the horns at the end of Siegfried to become the motive of Love's Resolution.


 EX.105: 《愛の決心》 


This ends the family of motives generated by the basic love motive. But there are several other motives associated with the symbol of love which are quite independent.

First, there's the moving motive which represents the Bond of Sympathy between the Volsungs, Siegmund, Sieglinde and later it attaches itself to their son, Siegfried. It's first heard in Act 1 of Walkure. It enters in the bass with Sieglinde's motive above it when Siegmund and Sieglinde find themselves partners in distress.



訳注:  《ジークリンデ》のモティーフについては EX.72 《ジークムントとジークリンデ》参照。《ジークリンデ》だけの解説はない。EX.106 は『ワルキューレ』第1幕 第1場の最終場面。

 EX.106: 《ヴェルズング族の共感の絆》 


This motive is developed in several different ways throughout the whole drama. But when it later attaches itself to Siegfried, it takes on a quick excited form to express his agitation during his love scene with Brunnhilde.

このモティーフはドラマ全体を通していくつかの違った形で展開されます。しかし後にこれがジークフリートに結びつくとき、テンポを速め、興奮した形をとります。それはブリュンヒルデとの愛の場におけるジークフリートの高揚感を表しています(訳注:『ジークフリート』第3幕 第3場)。

 EX.107: 《ヴェルズング族の共感の絆》 第2形 


Another independent love motives associated with Siegmund and Sieglinde is the melody of Siegmund song of spring, Wintersturme.

ジークムントとジークリンデに関連づけられた別の独立したモティーフがあります。それはジークムントが歌う春の歌、《冬の嵐》の旋律です(訳注:『ワルキューレ』第1幕 第3場)。

 EX.108: 《冬の嵐》 


One of the independent love motive is associated with Wotan's Affection for Brunnhilde. He sings it near the end of Walkure just before he plunges Brunnhilde into her magic sleep.

独立した愛のモティーフの一つは、ヴォータンのブリュンヒルデへの愛情に関係しています。『ワルキューレ』の終幕近く、ブリュンヒルデを "魔の眠り" につかせる直前にヴォータンが歌います。

訳注:  このモティーフは《告別》ないしは《ヴォータンの告別》とも呼ばれる。

 EX.109: 《ヴォータンのブリュンヒルデへの愛情》 



There are several independent love motives attached to Siegfried and the love between him and Brunnhilde. First, there's a yearning one associated with Siegfried's longing for human love and companionship. He is to replace Wotan in Brunnhilde's affections. And this motive begins with the same three rising chromatic notes as the one we've just heard associated with Wotan's affections for her. It enters in Act 1 of Siegfried, while Siegfried describes to Mime how he has watch the wooing and mating of the birds in the forest. It's worth noting that this motive goes straight over into the basic love motive.

さらに、ジークフリートおよび彼とブリュンヒルデの愛に結びつく数個の独立したモティーフがあります。第1に、人間愛と友情を切望するジークフリートに関連づけられる《憧れ》のモティーフです。ブリュンヒルデの愛情は、ヴォータンからジークフリート移ることになります。そしてこのモティーフは、さっき聴いた《ヴォータンのブリュンヒルデへの愛情》のモティーフと全く同じように、3つの上昇する半音階で始まります。このモティーフは『ジークフリート』の第1幕において、ジークフリートが森の小鳥たちの求愛と交尾を観察したことをミーメに語るときに入ってきます(訳注:第1幕 第1場)。このモティーフが愛の基本モティーフと直接的につながっていることに注目すべきでしょう。

 EX.110: 《ジークフリートの愛への憧れ》 


There are four further independent love motives associated with Siegfried and Brunnhilde. The first is a jubilant leaping one which enters when Brunnhilde is fully awake and is generally known as the motive of Love's Ecstasy.


訳注:  以降の EX.111, EX.112, EX.113 は『ジークフリート』第3幕 第3場。

 EX.111: 《愛の陶酔》 


Two of the other independent love motives attached to Siegfried and Brunnhilde are simply two of the themes that belong to the 'Siegfried Idyll'. The first, which is not a motive in the strict sense in that it never recurs, is the opening theme of that work which is introduced to represent Brunnhilde as the Immortal Beloved.


 EX.112: 《不滅の愛されし人》 


The other motive is the second theme of the 'Siegfried Idyll' which is sung by Brunnhilde to the words, 'Oh Siegfried, Treasure of the World', and has become known in consequence as the motive of the World's Treasure.


 EX.113: 《世界の宝》 


This motive does recur and derived from it is the final independent love motive, the one associated with Siegfried and Brunnhilde in Gottterdammerung, and known as the motive of Heroic Love.


訳注:  EX.114 は『神々の黄昏』の序幕のオーケストラ間奏のあとでブリュンヒルデが登場する場面。

 EX.114: 《英雄的な愛》 


Here, we finish with the motives associated with the central symbol of love.

これで、"愛" という中心的シンボルに関連づけられたモティーフを終わります。


RG ラインの黄金(Rheingold)
WK ワルキューレ(Walkure)
SF ジークフリート(Siegfried)
GD 神々の黄昏(Gotterdammerung)
A 幕(Act)
S 場(Scene)
V 序幕(Vorspiel)
P 前奏曲(Prelude)


EX.80   RG S1 愛の断念》
EX.81   WK A1S3 愛の断念》ジークムント形
EX.82   RG S1 愛の断念》第2セグメント
EX.83   RG S2 愛の断念》第2形への移行
EX.84   RG S2 愛の断念》第2形
EX.85   WK A2S2 愛の断念》ヴォータンによる第2形
EX.86   RG S2 フライア》
EX.87   RG S2 フライア》ヴァイオリン・パート
EX.88   RG S2 フライア》第1セグメント
EX.89   RG S2 フライア》第1セグメント - 確定形
EX.90   WK A1S3 フライア》第1セグメント - ジークムントとジークリンデ
EX.91   RG S2 フライア》第2セグメント
EX.92   WK A2P 逃亡》
EX.93   RG S2 完全なフライア》確定形
EX.94   WK A1S1 フライア》第2セグメント - ジークムントとジークリンデ
EX.95   RG S2 逃亡》ニーベルハイムへの下降
EX.96   RG S1 フライア》第2セグメント - アルベリヒ
EX.97   RG S1 アルベリヒの嘆き》
EX.98   RG S2 フライア》第2セグメント - ニーベルハイムへの下降
EX.99   RG S2 フライア》第2セグメント - ゆっくりとした短調
EX.100   WK A2S2 フライア》第2セグメント - ゆっくりとした短調
EX.101   WK A1S1 フライア》第2セグメント - ゆっくりとした短調
EX.102   SF A3S3 愛の挨拶》
EX.103   SF A3S3 愛の挨拶》と《フライア》の第2セグメント
EX.104   WK A1S3 フライア》第2セグメント - 速い長調
EX.105   SF A3S3 愛の決心》
EX.106   WK A1S1 ヴェルズング族の共感の絆》
EX.107   SF A3S3 ヴェルズング族の共感の絆》第2形
EX.108   WK A1S3 冬の嵐》
EX.109   WK A3S3 ヴォータンのブリュンヒルデへの愛情》
EX.110   SF A1S1 ジークフリートの愛への憧れ》
EX.111   SF A3S3 愛の陶酔》
EX.112   SF A3S3 不滅の愛されし人》
EX.113   SF A3S3 世界の宝》
EX.114   GD V 英雄的な愛》

